Large Prints and Canvas

 Canvas Prints are available.

We can print up to 14″ wide inhouse, but we have to outsource larger than that.



Frame Price lists.

Thin Frames


Thick Frames (Ideal for the larger images)

Brand new products now available

Hexagon canvases are 8.5″ high and 10″ wide in mode or the opposite in portrait. These hexagons can be clipped together to create a great collage.

Purchase price is £13.50 for 1, discount for multiple.

Great for family photo walls

1 Single Hexagon £13.50 [wp_cart_button name=”Single Hexagon” price=”13.50″]

2 Hexagons £26.00  [wp_cart_button name=”2 Hexagons” price=”26.00″]

3 Hexagons £39.00  [wp_cart_button name=”3 Hexagons” price=”39.00″]

4 Hexagons £52.00  [wp_cart_button name=”4 Hexagons” price=”52.00″]
